Sending a child to college can lead to lots of emotional ups and downs, as Praying College Moms know. We need tools to help us navigate!

When Andy Williams sang about the most wonderful time of the year back in 1963, he wasn't talking about launching a child ready-or-not into the college scene, having to say goodbye at the end of orientation weekend, or facing inevitable changes in the family dynamics back at home. But this transition--whether it's our oldest child, or our last--can tear at a parent's heart strings and leave us feeling unequipped for the days ahead.
Are you feeling like any of these parents?
"How can he/she be headed to college when I just brought that baby home from the hospital?"
"I wonder how our relationship will change because he's not under my roof anymore."
"Will she keep up her prayer life? Will he be going to Mass?"
"Will he work well...get good sleep...stay healthy?"
"Will she hold on to our family's core values?"
A Spiritual Toolbox: Tips for Parenting Through the College Years is ready to help parents who appreciate a "peek" into issues many students face during their first year of college. With sound advice gleaned from hours of conversations with Praying College Moms, and Church teachings, this little book will help to make the transition to "College Parent" more prayerful and more joyful. You'll learn to communicate with this newly independent college student about topics like drinking, dating, finance, gender ideology, homesickness and more, so that you're transmitting your love and support more effectively over time. The book offers concrete "spiritual tools" for managing every phase of the first year of college, as well as some discussion questions to prompt interior reflection or conversation between spouses.
Parents will find a wealth of information and advice for helping their children not just survive but thrive during this transitional period."--John S. Grabowski, Ph. D, Professor of Moral Theology at Catholic University.
In addition to the book, keep an eye out for occasional blogs during the school year aimed at addressing parents' questions and concerns as they arise. Please forward any of these resources to college parents you know!